Summer Time is here!

Our Founding Senior Pastor Bishop Victor T. Curry understands this Christian walk should be balanced. What does that mean? Being saved AND enjoying life through spending time with family, traveling, resting, relaxing, etc. During the month of July we land the plane here at New Birth to allow ample time for all of your plans! There will be no ministry meetings and Tuesday Bible Study is postponed until August 7th. Join us each Sunday during July and August for ONE service at 9:30am!


While you’re away don’t forget you can give via various methods. See below!

To: 73256   Message: NBBC Keyword Amount (Ex. NBBC Tithe $100.00)

Choose from the Keywords listed: Tithe |  Offering | Love |  WMBM |  Special |  Tabernacle |  Vanguard  |  JAMCA

  • Mail: No Cash. You may mail your checks, etc. to 2300 NW 135th Street Miami, FL 33167


Lastly, begin/continue praying about how you would like to get involved in ministry. August starts back ministry meetings and fellowships. Not sure where you’d like to serve? No worries, we are updating our Ministry Directory and will have it available soon for you to peruse. Should you need further guidance feel free to contact any of our Pastoral Staff at 305-685-3700.